Degenerative Myelopathy Treatment…Treating the Untreatable
…I’ve been practicing veterinary medicine for over 30 years and I’ve never seen anything as safe and effective as this new, scientifically developed formula which has been clinically proven to not only slow but in many cases actually stop the progression of degenerative myelopathy in dogs. There is no disputing it…“Sanus-Biotex is by far the most effective formula my colleagues and I have ever encountered in fighting the horrendous effects of this debilitating disease.”
Dr. Kim McNeil DVM – Internationally acclaimed veterinarian and a specialist in treating mobility issues in dogs suffering from disease.
Degenerative Myelopathy or DM – often a disease in which most people are completely unaware of. That is, until their dog happens to be diagnosed with this dreadful disease. If your dog has been diagnosed with the disease there is HOPE! Only a few dozen dog breeds in the world (see list below) have been found to carry the genetic history of the degenerative myelopathy, and I cannot stress this enough – how vital it is that you do not overlook or ignore the symptoms. It’s important to exclude known causes of spinal cord dysfunction before accepting the diagnosis of degenerative myelopathy. Often misdiagnosed, the symptoms of the disease may resemble other spinal diseases such as: disc disease (protrusions) or spinal cord tumor. Both can cause compression of the spinal cord and show similar signs to degenerative myelopathy Clínica veterinária em Guarulhos.
Some of the symptoms include but are not limited to:
1. hindquarter weakness and rear limb ataxia (the rear feet turning inwards)
2. loss of balance with difficulty rising or laying down
3. knuckling under while walking (seems like the dog is tripping sometimes)
4. limp tail, rear leg dragging, or crossing under the dogs body
5. wearing of rear nails before others which eventually leads to nail scraping.
What is Degenerative Myelopathy (DM)?
DM has an insidious onset typically occurring between 5- 7 years of age. Why? No one has really identified the exact cause although researchers have been getting closer and closer to finding the answer to that question. On the other hand, What is known about DM, is that it is a deficiency where the nerves along the spinal cord become inflamed causing what is commonly known as “DM flare-ups.” These flareups which cause extremely painful inflammation are normally associated when the nerves surrounding the spine become deprived of blood and die. Overtime this cycle repeats causing more “flare-ups” as the disease progresses through the animals body. The disease moves from the rear hind quarters up along the spinal cord towards the brain. As a result, the progression of the disease eventually causes complete paralysis and incontinence. However, being able to say with absolute certainty why this occurs is debatable.
Moreover, most researchers do agree that degenerative myelopathy is caused by a unique mutation in the SOD1 gene and only occurs in approximately 40 different dog breeds. Did you know that DM is closely related to a well known disease in humans? Well it is, the same gene mutation is also associated with familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or more commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, in people.
Canine degenerative myelopathy, unlike Lou Gehrig’s disease, initially affects the back legs where it causes visible muscle weakness and loss. A lack of coordination and balance in the dog is normally present as well.
Your Dog and Degenerative Myelopathy
It’s important to know that DM, because of its initial symptoms such as: decreased activity, trouble getting up and laying down, oration, soreness, etc – is often misdiagnosed as arthritis or more commonly, hip displasia. The misdiagnosis at this stage can be a fatal mistake. If the disease is allowed to progress through the body, the animal will eventually show front limb involvement and extensive muscle atrophy. At this stage, even with proven treatment options, such as Sanus-Biotex, a successful turnaround and outcome is highly unlikely.
Because degenerative myelopathy is a progressive disease I cannot stress the importance of starting treatment as soon as possible. Although their have been a few case studies where dogs suffering from late term degenerative myelopathy were successfully treated with Sanus-Biotex and survived. However, treating degenerative myelopathy should always begin sooner rather then later due to the progressive nature of the disease.
A dog diagnosed with degenerative myelopathy will normally succumb to the disease within a few months but it is very possible to see where the disease seems to be active and other times may seem to be in a dormant stage. However, the outcome is bleak and without specialized treatment the animal will eventually need to be put down as degenerative myelopathy is a chronic and progressive disease, which always results in paralysis.
Unfortunately, to date, there is no 100% cure that has proven to work successfully with all dog breeds. However, much has been learned over the past two years and extensive research by some of the worlds most renowned veterinarians and scientists have yielded incredible breakthroughs in how we go about successfully treating degenerative myelopathy. Regardless, of what others say, degenerative myelopathy can be suppressed and reversed. Especially, if actions are taken and treatment begins shortly after the diagnosis.
Medical Breakthrough in Treating Degenerative Myelopathy
One of the most recent breakthroughs in the battle to treat degenerative myelopathy, as mentioned previously, is Sanus-Biotex. Currently being introduced within the United States – Sanus-Biotex as it’s named, was funded, researched and developed by Sanus-Labs – a highly regarded Australian research company which specializes in the discovery and treatment of canine diseases, including degenerative myelopathy.
Distribution throughout the United States is handled by Pet Harmonics Co. – a premium canine supplement company whose main focus is on bringing unique canine treatments to market from around the world since 2007. Getting approval of not only Sanus-Biotex, but all imported medical treatments, for wholesale distribution within the US is extremely difficult. All must undergo rigorous testing and meet stringent standards before approval is granted. In the case of Sanus-Biotex, the testing showed time and time again, to not only slow but in many cases, it actually reversed the progression of the disease in various dog breeds.
How Sanus-Biotex Slows Progression of Degenerative Myelopathy
Sanus-Biotex is designed to dramatically increase the stimulation and communication between the nerves in the body of the animal and the brain. By using a propriety blend of 100% all natural herbs and extracts – all of which were known and used successfully for centuries by the abagordes of Australia – to cure various internal nerve and spine diseases (most notably Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease).
In summary, Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease or sometimes called (hereditary and motor sensory neuropathy) is a neurological disorder causing damage to the peripheral nerves – which are the nerve cell fibers that connect the brain and spinal cord to muscles and sensory organs. The disease affects the ability to convey sensations such as: pain, temperature, texture, etc., from the hands and feet to the spinal cord. The disease stops the transmission of this information from the feet and hands to the brain. From this point, the Peripheral nerves become confused and the brain loses the ability to know where to place the feet when walking and where the hands should be placed to reach for something. Eventually, the nerve damage, or neuropathy, causes muscle weakness and wasting, and some loss of sensation. Especially, in the extremities of the body: the feet, lower legs, the hands and the forearms. Sounds very familiar to degenerative myelopathy…Doesn’t it?
If the progression of degenerative myelopathy is allowed to continue, the animal will lose the ability place its rear legs correctly, get up or lay down, the animal will lose it’s sense of balance and seem to trip or stumble while walking. Pain and paralysis will increase in frequency causing increased inflammation of other nerves surrounding the spinal cord.
Sanus-Biotex is designed to fight progression of the disease through a variety of ways. Most importantly by relaying impulses which stimulate the nerves and not allowing defects in the myelin (outer covering of nerve) to breakdown. Thus, keeping the nerves active and alive. At the same time…Sanus-Biotex floods your dogs body with relief by increasing blood flow and circulation around the spinal cord. This helps with the rejuvenation of nerve fibers and increases the thickness of the myelin covering which protects the nerve fibers.
Once the “flow” of signals between the nerve fibers, spinal cord, and brain slows – it is at this point the dog will begin to lose the battle with the disease.
I cannot address this enough – It is so important that you start treating degenerative myelopathy with Sanus-Biotex as soon as possible. This ensures that only a limited number of the nerves which have already been affected by the disease remains the same. Thus allowing Sanus-Biotex to isolate and rejuvenate those nerves. Statistically, it is easier for Sanus-Biotex to rejuvenate fewer nerve fibers then it is to rejuvenate millions.
Sanus-Biotex has truly been a medical breakthrough in treating canine degenerative myelopathy. Clinical studies have shown that seven out of ten dogs diagnosed with the degenerative myelopathy have shown remarkable improvement in their quality of life. Another study conducted by the Australian Veterinary Board of Medicine, over a two year period, showed a 94% improvement in the overall rejuvenation of nerve fibers around the spinal cord.
Want More Information on Degenerative Myelopathy and Sanus-Biotex
If your dog has been diagnosed with degenerative myelopathy and you feel frustrated, just wishing there was something more you could do for your dog to help. Now, you can – no need to continually purchase expensive medications and/or steroids that seem to do nothing in addressing the core problem.